Ann Marcus Ann Marcus

Harnessing the Perfect Storm

Where do we begin to solve these weighty challenges? It’s about listening to learn what keeps people up at night - and learning to listen.

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Anna Acosta Anna Acosta

The Community Hierarchy of Needs: Building Connected Communities

What is a Smart City? At it’s most basic level, it’s a connected community, one that recognizes centuries of disinvestment in the most basic needs of too many people. How do we prioritize scare resources to restore the Social Contract? WeAccel’s Community Hierarchy of Needs proposes a prioritization model for Connected Communities.

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Anna Acosta Anna Acosta

WeAccel’s Take on the Social Contract

My generation cannot afford to buy a home in any major urban city, regardless of where we grew up. We carry huge student debt burdens. Retirement - hah! Where is the social contract - the quid pro quo - for younger Americans?

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Anna Acosta Anna Acosta

The Social Contract Saga: A Tale of Centuries, Countries and Citizens

Shared knowledge and wisdom are crucially important if a society hopes to continue to grow and improve, but it is on us as a society - all generations - to ensure that this transfer of information happens. When it doesn’t, the rifts between generations widen. They become deeper. This hurts all of us.

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Anna Acosta Anna Acosta

Social Contract For A New Generation

A Return to the Golden Rule: The reality is that community transformation requires intentional teamwork and cooperation between public and private sectors, and among residents, business owners and their civic leaders.

Photo: ben-mcleod-MX-I62dPu-c-unsplash

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